
Lee Hsien Loong

This tag is associated with 51 posts

In Defence Of The Scholar-General

A commentary argued that “the institutional culture of the Singapore Armed Forces might explain why scholar-generals may not necessarily make the best leaders once they are taken out of the military context”, but I think the argument is not a meaningful one, and distracts from the more pertinent issues of selection and competition: How scholars and scholar-generals are selected in the beginning and for future positions, and the extent to which pathways between the scholars and the non-scholars in the military and in the public sector are permeable. Continue reading

Speaker Tan Chuan-Jin Intends To Speak Up For Social Causes. Here’s How Research Can Help.

Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin has outlined his strategy to tackle social causes: Reaching out to schools, sustaining the interest of school-leavers in volunteerism, and coaxing companies to step up their CSR programmes. Here’s how research can help (and how research should feature more prominently). Continue reading

#NDRsg: The 2017 National Day Rally In Tweets

Missed the 2017 National Day Rally by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong? Here’s a chronological collection of my tweets from the evening. Continue reading